Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Day 18 (Dec 18/902km) Home

Going home!! We woke up with great enthusiasm!! Our wives were on their way to meet us at the border and tow the motorbikes home. So off we went with 300 km to cover to the border, and to our surprise formalities on the Zimbabweans border side were quiet quick. When we got to the South African side of the border, there were queues as far as the eye can see and it was extremely hot. unlike some of the African borders we crossed were there's always someone to quickly "sort you out" and jump the queue, we were surprised to see that there was order and everyone had to queue like everyone else. There's hope!
Smooth crossing at Beitbridge border on the Zim side. Little did we know its going to be a long day when we get to the SA side

Mrs Tumi!
Mrs Thendo!
Getting out of what has been part us for the last 18 days its been really good!

Loading up the bikes and getting ready to go home.

Loaded up and ready to go!

Final checks.

 Never been so happy to be driven and not having to dodge trucks and buses. Comfortable and ready to Go!

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